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The Greatest Magical Mystery Tour: Health Benefits of buy magic mushrooms 

buy magic mushrooms  contain a compound (aka psilocybin) that can have a hallucinogenic effect. In addition to getting you high, psilocybin might also have benefits for your mental and physical health. However, more research is needed.

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Benefits of buy magic mushrooms

buy magic mushrooms  aren’t just about hallucinations (though those can sometimes be pretty great). Here are five ways magic mushrooms might help your health.

1. Depression

In a 2022 study, researchers analyzed the effects of psilocybin — the psychedelic compound found in shrooms — in 27 folks with a long history of depression. Participants were given two doses of psilocybin every 2 weeks between August 2017 and April 2019.

Researchers found that the participants’ depression levels remained low 1-, 3-, 6- and 12-months after the treatment. While this is dope news, researchers noted that more research is needed to explore the link between psilocybin and depression. Specifically, we still need to know if treatments can last longer than 12 months.

PSA: It’s not a good idea to self-medicate with magic mushrooms. There are lots of other (and proven) methods to help you treat depression (i.e., online therapy or in-person therapy).

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2. Might help stave off substance misuse

Researchers are currently trying to figure out if psilocybin can help peeps cease smoking, drinking, or misusing drugs.

In one small study, researchers analyzed the use of psilocybin as a way to treat alcohol dependence. They found that psilocybin helped decrease drinking and alcohol cravings.

In a small pilot study, researchers found that psilocybin significantly improved the odds of smokers abstaining after a 12-month period.

There’s also some anecdotal chatter that psilocybin can help treat other forms of substance misuse. But we still need a whole lotta research to show if it can actually help reduce cravings and drug use.

3. Headaches

According to 2017 research, psychoactive substances like psilocybin might help treat cluster headaches and migraine.

However, a small study indicates that psilocybin can actually cause headaches. Researchers noted that the severity of the headaches depended on the dosage, but that the symptoms weren’t disabling or severe.

So yeah, the jury’s still out on this one.

4. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

In an animal study, researchers found that low doses of psilocybin helped condition the fear response in mice. This might mean that magic mushrooms can help treat PTSD and related conditions. But we def need more research on humans to explore this link.

Additionally, studies show that the psychological effects of psilocybin can be unpredictable. This also makes it tough to say if magic mushrooms are 10/10 effective way to treat PTSD.

5. Anxiety

While we need more research, there’s a possibility psilocybin can help relieve anxiety.

In a 2016 study, 51 cancer patients with life-threatening diagnoses were given either a very low dose or a high dose of psilocybin. The high-dose group had a bigger increase in life meaning, optimism, and quality of life. They also had a decrease in death anxiety compared to the low-dose group.

What do magic mushrooms do?

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Here’s a breakdown of the common effects of magic mushrooms.

  • Increased energy. Boundless good vibes.
  • Feelings of euphoria. An overwhelming feeling of well-being and contentment.
  • Distortion of reality. A new perception of the existing world. A peek behind the curtain.
  • Altered perception of space and time. Time and space become distorted. Close distances can feel like miles away.
  • Feelings of extreme excitement. Everything is new and wonderful. Time to explore that creepy cupboard under the sink!
  • A sense of oneness or unity with the universe. This kind of spiritual experience is kind of the platonic ideal of tripping. You feel at one with every other living being.
  • Visual and auditory hallucinations. Things become unnaturally small or large or they bend and ripple. Sounds become distorted and music becomes unbearably beautiful. This is still the only conceivable explanation of why people ever listened to “The Grateful Dead.”

How long do magic mushrooms last?

The hallucinogenic effects of shrooms usually work about 30 minutes after you eat them. Most trips last about 4 to 6 hours, but it’s also possible for the effects to last longer. It tends to depend on how much you take, the shroom’s potency, and your general tolerance level.

BTW, while you’re under the influence, you might experience physical symptoms like:

  • headaches
  • drowsiness
  • dilated pupils
  • inability to move
  • speech difficulties
  • nausea or vomiting
  • loss of coordination
  • increased heart rate or blood pressure

Risks on buy magic mushrooms

Some people who take psilocybin may experience persistent, distressing alterations to how they see the world. These may take the form of a visual flashback, a traumatic recall of an intensely upsetting experience. buy magic mushrooms

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people can continue to experience flashbacks anywhere from weeks to years after using the hallucinogen. This is a condition called hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder and is rare.

Some individuals who use psilocybin may also experience fear, agitation, confusion, delirium, psychosis, and syndromes that resemble schizophrenia.

Finally, though the risk is small, some psilocybin users risk accidental poisoning from eating a poisonous mushroom by mistake.`

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Symptoms of mushroom poisoning may include muscle spasms, confusion, and delirium. A person should visit an emergency room immediately if these symptoms magic mushrooms

Because hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms are common in most living environments, people should regularly remove all mushrooms from areas where children are routinely present to prevent accidental consumption. accidental mushroom ingestion results in minor gastrointestinal illness, with only the most severe instances requiring medical attention.

Abuse potential

Current research suggests psilocybin is not addictive, and no physical symptoms occur after stopping use. However, further research is necessary.

After several days of psilocybin use, individuals might experience

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psychological withdrawal and have difficulty adjusting to reality.

Regular use may also cause an individual to become tolerant to the effects of psilocybin, and cross-tolerance occurs with other drugs, including LSD and mescaline. buy magic mushrooms

People who use these drugs should wait at least several days between doses to experience the full effect.


How likely is it that I will have a bad trip taking magic mushrooms?



A “bad trip” can include feelings of despair, confusion, paranoia, anxiety, and panic. These feelings can persist for hours to days. buy magic mushrooms

To avoid this, first, you will not have a bad trip or any trip at all if you choose not to ingest the mushrooms. If the mushrooms have a higher, stronger dose than expected, this can increase your chances of having a negative experience.

For someone going through a personal crisis or using mushrooms in an unsafe, unsupportive environment, the chances of a “bad trip” increase.

There are no guarantees with mushrooms since they are an unprocessed plant product, and bad trips can and do happen. If someone has ingested mushrooms and is experiencing panic, anxiety, or is in any danger of harming themselves or others, seek medical assistance immediately.

Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT

Answers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.

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buy magic mushrooms

Summary on buy magic mushrooms 

Psilocybin is a chemical that occurs in certain mushroom varieties. Consumption can lead to symptoms such as euphoria, hallucinations, and sensory distortion.

Although current research suggests psilocybin is not addictive, some people may have bad experiences, including feelings of anxiety, paranoia, and short-term magic mushrooms

Factors such as mental health, setting, quantity, and expectations may affect the experience someone has after using psilocybin.

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